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Privacy policy

Basic Policy on the Handling of Personal Information

1. Basic concept

Sagano Scenic Railway Co. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of personal information and considers the protection of personal information to be a social responsibility. The Company will properly acquire, use, and manage personal information in compliance with laws, regulations, and internal rules concerning personal information.

2. Handling of personal information

The Company shall comply with the following items regarding the handling of personal information.

  1. (1) Clarification of the purpose of use
    The Company will clarify the purpose of use of personal information and use the information within the scope of that purpose.
  2. (2) Restrictions on use of personal information for other purposes
    The Company will not use personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected, nor provide personal data to third parties, except with the prior consent of the customer or as stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Law or other applicable laws.
  3. (3) Proper acquisition
    The Company will acquire personal information by legal and fair means.
  4. (4) Ensuring Accuracy
    The Company will endeavor to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date.
  5. (5) Safety and protection
    The Company will assign a person responsible for the management of personal information to each business that handles personal information.
    The Company will also take safety control measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information.
    Furthermore, the Company shall establish rules and manuals for the handling of personal information, and provide appropriate training, guidance and supervision to all employees within the Company.
    When outsourcing the processing of personal information to a Third Party, the Company will properly select said Third Party and provide guidance and supervision to ensure the compliance with and adherence to the Company standards regarding the handling of information.
  6. (6) Disclosure, correction, deletion, etc.
    If you request disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of your own personal data, the Company will respond to your request in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law and other applicable laws.
  7. (7) Response to inquiries.
    The Company shall respond appropriately and promptly to customer inquiries regarding personal information other than outlined in the previous point.

3. Public disclosure based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information"

In accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information", the Company publicly announces the following matters concerning personal information in our possession.

  1. (1) Purpose of use
    The Company will use the personal information of its customers within the scope of the following purposes:
    To provide services and after-sales service in accordance with the Company's Conditions of Carriage, such as ticket reservations and purchases, and to conduct the Company's business in an appropriate manner.
    To send information and announcements by mail, telephone, e-mail, or other means regarding products and services handled by the Company, as well as various events and campaigns.
    To conduct questionnaire surveys, etc. by mail, telephone, e-mail, etc. for the development of products, the launch of new services, or the consideration of measures to improve customer satisfaction.
    To compile and analyze personal information statistically and create statistical data in a form that does not identify or specify individuals in order to study customer usage trends, etc.
    To respond to inquiries, opinions, and requests from customers in relation to products, services, etc. handled by the Company.
    To contact customers regarding lost property or in case of emergency.
    To perform other tasks related to the above items.
    Should the Company intend to use customers' personal information for any purpose other than those listed above, the Company will notify the customers in advance of the purpose of use and will not use the information for any other purpose without their permission.
    In addition, the Company may provide customer information to the extent necessary to the subcontractor in connection with outsourcing of the Company business. In such cases, the Company will enter into a contract with the subcontractor regarding the handling of such information and otherwise supervise the subcontractor appropriately.
  2. (2) Provision to third parties.
    The Company will not provide personal information obtained from our customers to any third party, except for the purposes described in the preceding paragraph or in any of the following cases.
    1. 1. When the customer has given explicit consent
    2. 2. When required by law
    3. 3. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
    4. 4. When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
    5. 5, When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the customer's consent may impede the execution of such affairs.
  3. (3) Disclosure and notification of purpose of use
    If a customer wishes to request disclosure or notification of the purpose of use of their own information held by the Company (limited to "Retained Personal Data". The same shall apply hereinafter), the Company will respond within a reasonable period and scope after confirming the identity of the person making such a request.
  4. (4) Correction, addition or deletion
    If a customer wishes to correct, add or delete their own information held by the Company, the Company will correct, add or delete the information within a reasonable period and scope if the information is inaccurate after confirming the identity of the person making such a request.
  5. (5) Suspension of use or deletion
    If the customer wishes the Company stops using or deletes their information, the Company will do so within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming the customer's identity.
    Please note that as a result of suspension of use or deletion, the Company may not be able to provide the services requested by the customer. (Furthermore, the Company may not be able to respond to requests for suspension of use or deletion of personal information held in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.)
  6. (6) Cases in which disclosures etc. will not be made
    Please note that the Company will not disclose the information in the following cases. If the decision not to disclose the information is made, the Company will notify the customer to that effect with the reason.
    • (Cases in which procedures for disclosure, etc. are not initiated)
      1. a. If the identity of the applicant cannot be verified
      2. b. When a request is made by a representative and the right of representation cannot be verified.
      3. c. When there is a deficiency in the prescribed documents to be submitted.
      4. d. If the prescribed handling charge (612 yen stamps: postage by personal delivery service) is not paid.
        (Only in the case of "Disclosure" and "Notification of purpose of use")
    • (In case of non-disclosure)
      1. a. If the requested information does not fall under the category of "retained personal data"
      2. b. If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party
      3. c. If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the business of the Company
      4. d. If it would violate other laws and regulations
      5. e. When special procedures are required by other laws and regulations.
    • (Cases in which notification of purpose of use is not given)
      1. a. If the requested information does not fall under the category of "retained personal data"
      2. b. When the purpose of use is clear
      3. c. If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party
      4. d. If there is a risk of harm to the rights or legitimate interests of the Company
      5. e. When it is necessary to cooperate with a government agency or local public body in the execution of its legally prescribed duties, and there is a risk of interfering with the execution of those duties.
    • (When correction, addition or deletion is not made)
      1. a. If the requested information does not fall under the category of "retained personal data"
      2. b. If the contents of the "Retained Personal Data" are true
      3. c. Where special procedures are required by other laws and regulations
      4. d. When correction, addition or deletion is not necessary in view of the purpose of use
    • (Cases in which discontinuance of use or deletion is not made)
      1. a. If the requested information does not fall under the category of "retained personal data"
      2. b. When the information is handled within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose(s) of use specified in advance (including to the extent necessary to correct the violation)
      3. c. When the information is obtained in an appropriate manner (including to the extent necessary to correct the violation)
      4. d. Where it is difficult to discontinue use or erase the personal information due to significant costs, etc., and alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the concerned party are taken.
    • (Cases in which provision to a third party is not stopped)
      1. a. If the requested information does not fall under the category of "retained personal data"
      2. b. When the prior consent of the customer to provide the information has been obtained
      3. c. When required by law
      4. d. When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
      5. e. When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
      6. f. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the customer's consent may impede the execution of such affairs.
      7. g. Cases in which it is difficult to stop the provision of personal information to a third party due to the high cost involved, and in which alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the customer are taken.
  7. (7) Contact information
    Please contact the following office for information on the procedures required for disclosure and correction.
    (Contact for inquiries)
    Personal Information Inquiry Desk Phone Number: 075-861-8511 Hours: 9:00 to 17:00
    (Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and December 29 through January 5) Please note that requests made in person at the station or other locations are not accepted.
  8. (8) How to apply
    The Company will send the "Application for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data" prepared by the Company, as well as a document explaining the procedures, including the address to which the application form should be sent and the handling charge via mail, to the contact address submitted by the customer at the counter.
    Please send the completed application form, identification documents, and postage stamps equivalent to the handling charge to the appropriate address.
    The procedures for disclosure, etc. will be initiated when all the necessary documents, as prescribed by the regulations of the Company arrive at the designated address and are received by the Company. For details, please refer to the guidance document that will be mailed to you.
    Please note that the Company cannot respond to requests for any procedures e.g. disclosure that do not follow the procedure outlined above (including requests made in person such as at a train station).

Handling of personal information on the Company website

Personal information related to the Sagano Scenic Railway website shall be handled in accordance with "Basic Policy on the Handling of Personal Information" and in accordance with "Handling of Personal Information on the Company Website".

1. Scope of application

This policy applies to the Sagano Scenic Railway website: (hereinafter referred to as "Website").
This policy does not apply to sites other than those listed above. It is the responsibility of the customer to verify and confirm the personal information protection statement of each site other than the Company Website. The Company is not responsible for any damages caused by the use of personal information obtained independently by other sites.

2. Purpose of information gathering

The Website collects personal information such as the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the customers for the following purposes:

  • To ask questions and respond to inquiries and opinions.
  • To provide information on our products and services only with the explicit consent of the customer.
  • To analyze site usage history and to provide information on Company products and services based on the results of such analysis.
  • To ask for the customer cooperation in surveys.
  • To create and disclose materials that are processed in such a way that individuals cannot be identified.
  • To receive and accept various applications.

Personal information obtained will not be altered without the prior consent of the customer. The Company will not use the information for any purpose other than those described above.

3. Regarding security management

  • The Company shall take appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc.
  • The Company shall take measures to prevent unauthorized transmissions of personal information outside of the Company.
  • The Company shall implement precautionary measures as outlined above, and in the unlikely event of an incident, promptly implement corrective measures.

4. Protecting personal information of the customers

In order to protect the privacy of our customers, the Company takes necessary measures such as encryption of names and other personally identifiable information and transaction details.

5. Disclaimer of liability

By using the Website, you agree to the "Handling of Personal Information on the Website". Your continued use of the Website after any changes to the "Handling of Personal Information on the Website" have been made publicly available will be deemed to indicate that you understand and agree to the changes.
In addition, the Website does not describe or indicate in any way whether the contents within are appropriate in your environment. Access to the Website is at the discretion of the customers, and the customers are solely responsible for their use of the Website.